French portrait photographer - My beautiful friends | Personal project

I have started a personal project called "My Beautiful Friends"

I realized how we, as women - me included - are often filled with self-doubt, questioning ourselves on whether we are fit enough, smart enough, talented enough, good enough to have the life we dream to have... Self-talk and beliefs that hold us from achieving great things, pursue big dreams that we are actually all capable to achieve and even go beyond. We underestimate the unlimited power we have inside of us. For a long time I wondered how I could use my job as wedding and portrait photographer to serve the purpose of me being on earth which is actually to serve others. And the other day, it hit me, photography can be used to empower others.

I'm surrounded with women with such such AMAZING souls yet so full of doubts... I just wanted to show through this series of #mybeautifulfriends photos, that our inner beauty starts shining out when we start




in ourselves; accepting ourselves

the way we were created

. I wanted to show my friends how beautiful they were inside out. Because when we know how to love ourselves, we know how to love others. Then everything will fall into place as love is the most powerful magnet in the Universe. Through love, everything is possible.

“Whoever loves much, performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.”

– Vincent Van Gogh

This is my beautiful friend Marie, bathed in this amazing light of Provence.

Marie taught me about letting go and resilience. I'm so grateful to have her in my life, even though she lives in Provence and I in Paris, I know our frienship doesn't care about distance.

Marie has been looking for her inner call for a long time, but I think she has found it now. check out the video below and let me know if you agree with me ! :)

Elle cherchait sa voie, elle a trouvé sa voix



A romantic wedding in French Provence


Boudoir Session - Lace, Red hair and freckles