Céline Chhuon | French wedding Photographer | Paris, France

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Mariage dans les Montagnes Suisses | A Magical Wedding in the Swiss Mountains

Un joli mariage d'hiver avec finalement beaucoup de soleil alors que nous attendions la neige ! Le parapluie a donc servi d'ombrelle...
Virgnie et Nicolas se sont dit oui en février dernier. Tous deux mélomanes, ils ont choisi un mariage sous le signe de la musique: disque vinyle en guise d'invitation, pass de concerts pour les marques places, et le groupe bernois (qui - à mon humble avis- gagne vraiment à être connu. A écouter juste au-dessus) Patrick Bishop  pour sublimer la cérémonie religieuse - une des plus belles auxquelles j'ai assisté. J'ai également redécouvert la magnifique chanson "Wedding Song" de Bob Dylan qui a été lue durant la cérémonie, petit extrait :

I love you more than ever, more than time and more than love
I love you more than money and more than the stars above
I love you more than madness, more than waves upon the sea
I love you more than life itself, you mean that much to me.

Ever since you walked right in the circle's been complete
I've said goodbye to haunted rooms and faces in the street
In the courtyard of the jester which is hidden from the sun
I love you more than ever and I haven't yet begun.

You breathed on me and made my life a richer one to live
When I was deep in powerty you taught me how to give
Dried the tears up from my dreams and pulled me from the hole
I love you more than ever and it binds me to this all.

I finally had some time to share with you this beautiful winter wedding in Switzerland, where we were expecting snow but turned out to be finally quite warm ! The umbrella hence turned to a sunshade :)
Virginie & Nicolas are both music-lovers and decided to have a wedding filled with music, starting from the wedding invitations and save-the-date that were actual vinyles. Rock bands as table names and concert pass as seat name tags...Getting an "all-access" pass was a first for me, I felt pretty cool :)
They also had the amazing (and -to my opinion- so underrated ) German band : Patrick Bishop, who turned the religious ceremony into one of the most sublime I've ever attended. Feel free to play their song, just right above. Some beautiful texts have also been read during the ceremony, such as the lyrics of the "Wedding Song" by Bob Dylan - which reminded me how genius this guy was -read above, it's gorgeous ain't it ?

Merci Virginie et Nicolas de m'avoir fait confiance pour votre beau jour.